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(English follows Japanese.)


当事務所では、2 月 25 日に厚生労働省から発表された「新型コロナウイルス対策の政府の対策基本方針」及び政府による感染拡大を防ぐ各種対策を踏まえ、お客様ならびに従業員の健康と安全確保の観点から、3月2日から4月3日までの間、セキュリティ対策を講じた上で、全社員を対象に原則として在宅勤務を実施し、オフィスを一時的に閉鎖致します。




In response to the spread of the new Coronavirus

Based on the request of 『About Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)』 by the

Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Japan on February 25, 2020, we have

decided to close our office and to switch to home-based work for all employees to ensure the safety of clients and employees from March 2 to April 3.

During this period, we will continue to provide our regular services (Accounting, Payroll/Social insurance, Disbursement services, Preparation of corporate tax return and Preparation of individual income tax return) with our existing clients as usual, except for having meetings, business dinners, presentations and so forth in the office.

We will continue to determine and implement response policies based on

government policies and action plans.

Thank you for your understanding.

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